Are you tired of things triggering you?

Do you want to retake the reins of your life without external circumstances causing you to feel stressed, overwhelmed, and anxious?

Are you a woman who experiences overwhelming stress and anxiety symptoms that affect your daily life?

Then you’re in the right place. Knowing how to respond to life’s stressors in a way that doesn’t leave you feeling guilty later on is possible. 

Stop letting stress take over your life. 

Tuesday 18th June

9am to 10am (AEST)

Become a master of your reactions without the stress and anxiety creeping in.

Masterclass takeaways:

  • How to respond to events and situations more effectively, avoid fight-or-flight coping mechanisms, and approach challenges with confidence. Ready to stop letting these events and situations overtake your whole life?

  • Are you constantly searching for the most effective ways to manage your stress, only to feel even more overwhelmed?

  • Do you find yourself blowing up at those closest to you, feeling more stressed and overwhelmed at work, and coping by scrolling through social media, searching for answers, but finding more triggers instead?

  • Do you often withdraw from situations (Freeze Mode), only to feel more frustrated and unconfident by this process?

This masterclass is for you if:

  • You want more effective coping mechanisms when you feel triggered and want to adopt a more confident inner voice.

  • Your inner critic is loud, and you want to replace it with a more supportive, confident inner voice.

  • You want to be more present and attentive as a parent and cherish moments with your children again.

  • You want to excel at work with a clearer mind, allowing you to focus and perform better.

  • You want to improve your anxiety and mental health so you can enjoy all the activities you love in your life.

This masterclass isn’t for you if:

  • You are not ready to take proactive steps towards managing your stress and anxiety.

  • You are looking for a quick fix without commitment to practice and application.

  • You must be open to learning and applying new coping mechanisms and strategies.

Client results

Verity found she had trouble prioritising herself and staying true to her values, which made her hesitant to invest time and money in seeking support. With my guidance, we addressed these concerns by implementing personalised strategies and practical tools tailored to her schedule and budget. Verity feels empowered and supported within our nurturing community, confidently prioritising her self-care and staying aligned with her values. She’s grateful for the transformative journey and the unwavering support she receives.”
— Verity Hare- Tradie Wives


Join me for this FREE masterclass

Become a Master of your reactions without the stress and anxiety creeping in.

Tuesday 18th of June

9:00 am till 10:00am (AEST)